Some interesting notions on Politics

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As humans, we have come a long way to make this world what is it today. I am a professor in high school, and I did a master's in political science before pursuing a career in academia. Politics is a vast subject and one that will always have a scope in modern society. I have always loved to teach and spread knowledge, and with the increased popularity of the internet and its influence, I decided to start a blog. My blog centers on discussing the latest political updates around the world. I don't focus on one country; I try to engage with a broad audience as it is essential to bring people from all backgrounds together.


Politics, a multifaceted word


Politics is not only a mere institution of governance that aims to achieve specific objectives but also a mechanism for achieving social goals. I like to think that it's a manifestation of how we want our lives, or country to be one day. Theory wise it is broadcasted as a social science that deals with theory, the practice of politics, the description, analysis of political systems, and political behavior. Politics deals with the transfer of power between governments, the effects of different aspects on the society, and the decision making of policies. The organizations that play a role in it are the government, opposition parties, the people, and their votes. It is the study of a country's political past, present, and future.

My blog does not only deal with the current aspects but also its origin and how it influences different nations in their prime and dark times. Most people view politics as a boring subject, but I am on a mission to change that. Given a chance, it's a versatile and enjoyable subject with a fascinating history. To start, famous historians documented during the height of the Roman Empire, the rise of the Roman Republic, and histories of other nations, while statesmen like Julius Caesar, Cicero discussed this aswell. They have provided us with examples of the politics of the republic and Rome's empire and wars. Not many people know this, but the first traces of politics can be traced back to Rig-Veda, Samhitas, Brahmanas, the Mahabharata, and Buddhist Pali Canon. It is incredible to imagine a time so long ago had the making of the system we have today. Another political figure Chanakya wrote the Arthashastra, which is considered a treasure as it discusses political thought, economics, and social order. The book describes in detail the political influence, welfare, international, and war aspects in detail.





I think politics is essential, especially for youngsters who are looking forward to starting in the real world. That's why I try to keep my blogs comfortable and interactive so that it can reach a younger, brighter audience. It's essential to know what is going around you as every law passed affects us one way or another. Every political step taken can change our lives even if we don't notice. Some of these can affect us in a negative manner or others. We, as citizens, have a hand at deciding our future with votes. For that, we need to choose a candidate that would bring prosperity, which we will know through politics. I have been writing blogs for a few months now, and although it's slowly gaining traffic, I am pleased for far. I have also started reading blogs related to politics, and honestly, they are an excellent source of inspiration. I am looking forward to doing a short segment series that will have smaller updates. This way, viewers who are in a hurry can get what they come looking for easily. I love this journey so far and hope to continue for a long time.



Published on politics

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